
Mathematics at SDPS

Mathematics exposes children to concepts, strategies, and thinking skills that are fundamental for everyday life. With carefully planned instruction and learning experiences, students at SDPS are given the tools to begin to make sense of their world through creativity, play and logical reasoning.

 Educators at SDPS follow a consistent and connected approach to Mathematics across the school and utilise explicit teaching of the I Do, We Do, You Do model. At SDPS we follow Origo Stepping Stones, a comprehensive mathematics program that allows rich learning opportunities through a research-based approach. Content is conceptually taught in a logical sequence that aims to develop deep understanding and success.

Staff aim to develop, creative thinking and communication skills for students to grow into productive and innovative members of their world. Mental maths is conducted daily using the New Wave Mental series of student work books.

 ICT is integrated into everyday maths experiences to provide additional opportunities for students to see and interact with concepts, support individual learning styles and promote active participation in the development of lifelong learning skills.

 At SDPS students are invited and encouraged to take part in Maths competitions throughout the year. Some of the competitions include;

  • Mathletics run Competitions
  • Australian Maths Competition
  • Numero in house and Inter school
  • Lego Challenges


 Things to Try at home with your child

  • How many ways can you make 10 with manipulatives?
  • Getting children to read an analogue clock
  • Timetable their day
  • Cook with you child teaching them metric units of measurement
  • Practise colours and the Days of the week
  • While shopping students look for value for money or best buys
  • Practise basic number facts (times tables
  • Playing board games that require addition, dice, money, ordering, matching or counting
  • School banking to demonstrate depositing, withdrawing, interest and saving money
  • Jigsaw Puzzles
  • Creating a simple financial plan to save or purchase items



Links for Parents

Maths in the Early Years Fact Sheet

Educational Maths Videos explain concepts in Numeracy for students and parents



Australian Maths Competition



App Review Template